Health and Wellness Programs | Irvine, KY

...Bringing Faith and
Healing to Appalachia!

Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM or by appointment

We Promote Healthy Living At the Community Level

Our staff lives and works in Estill County, KY in the foothills of Appalachia, "Where the Bluegrass Kisses the Mountains". Our commitment to promote healthy living is personal and deeply rooted in our friends and families. 

To be considered healthy, a community needs accessible medical care, healthy food, and means for healthy living at home, work and school, as well as good mental health resources.

Facts about This Area of Appalachia and Why It Needs Help:

  • This area is medically underserved. Not enough physicians and dentists and a severe lack of mental health services.
  • Considered a "food desert" with lack of grocery stores and healthy food choices.
  • Lack of income and no public transportation limit people's access to health care and groceries.
  • One third (33%) of the children and adults live in poverty.
  • There is no sizable industry, and only a few jobs exist; unemployment ranges from 10-20%.
  • Death rates due to cancer, heart disease, stroke and suicide are higher than average for the State of Kentucky which is higher than the national average.
  • Prevalence of diabetes and obesity is higher than the national average, even among youth.
  • More than 40% of residents have high cholesterol and/or hypertension.
  • Only 3% of women and 6% of men completed a bachelor's degree while 22% never finished high school.
  • 60% of the people do not attend church or belong to an organized faith community.
  • 40-50% of our children in the community live with their grandparents or others instead of their parents.

Contact us to learn how you can benefit from our programs or how you may help.

Join our effort to promote
community health & wellness
(606) 723-8505

Body, Mind, and Spirit

We believe in a holistic approach, understanding that if one area of a person's life is askew, all areas are affected. If a child doesn't have proper school supplies, she/he will not be able to learn. If an adult has chronic disease they may also be depressed. Likewise, those who hold unprocessed grief or trauma will have greater instances of illness and disease. We believe that faith and health education can be integrated for greater healing of dis-ease and that healing is an ongoing endeavor. Our programs are designed to address all aspects of the healing journey.

To learn more about our current programs call (606)723-8505

Because we are a nonprofit corporation, we depend upon contributions from individuals like you. If you would like to make a donation or want additional information about this ministry, please contact us.


(606) 723-8505

Hours of Operation
Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday,
8 am-3 pm.
Program Hours as arranged

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 582, Irvine, Kentucky 40336

Service Area
Estill County, Kentucky

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